Update from Cindy

It's been awhile since I've posted on the blog. I wanted all my readers and friends to know that I am alive and well. I've just been very involved in other parts of my life. Back in January, I made a decision to take a step back from writing. In fact, I have not written a word in seven months. My family, our children's education and the work on my Masters degree had to become more of a priority.

I had moved so far away from anything writing related that I wasn't visiting any yahoo groups, forums, blogs or social networks--AT ALL. It was good for me but I am trying to get back in small doses. Last month, I started by reactivating my Twitter account. I find myself Tweeting a couple times a day. Then I reworked my FaceBook account. Now I'm here at the blog getting reacquainted. Next is a revamp of my website.

I hope everyone is having a terrific summer, though it has been a hot one. I planto pop in here at the blog a couple times a month. Feel free to follow me on Twitter or FaceBook.

Take care!

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