Andrea & the Five Day Challenge--GoodReads Giveaway

Hello Friends!

Hope you all had a great weekend! What does Monday have in store for us? I hope something good. I for one am trying to get my Christmas novella finished and submitted to my publisher by May 1st!! This novella is book 1.5 in my Aubrey Christian Academy series. This is Luke's book all from the perspective of Luke Ryan who we first meet in Andrea & the Five Day Challenge (Book 1 in the Aubrey Christian Academy Series) 

If you don't have a copy of the first book in this series, I have good news. Make that Great News!! Andrea & the Five Day Challenge has been offered as a GoodReads Giveaway for the next 17 days. 

The WINNER will receive an autographed print copy of the book and there are 3 copies up for grabs! 

If you haven't entered, make sure you do before time runs out. And tell a friend.


Thank you Friends!!

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